Long and agonizing is the road of Exile. It began with the partition of the Orphic Egg, the pre-Cosmic Eros, Erikepaios, Phanes. From Someone located beyond or right here in the inexistent. So not even a city, household or land appear here. Nothing and everything. The Green Thunderbolt comes later, a little more right here, in the inexistent, and similar to the Sieg Rune. The highest Guides of Esoteric Hitlerism and the Maestros of my Maestro live there. They feel they are green and as if they were a lightning bolt. The first Hyperborea, remotest Thule, Asgard, Agartha are located there, prototypes, the Seed-City. The first Guides of the divine Warriors live there, He and She newly detached to go in search of their 'she' and their 'he' and able to fight against that strange contaminating 'Thing,' that after having gone so far with its explosion has descended so low reaching hostage prisoners, to repeat their incursion extending into untouched areas. In such rarefied transparent regions, from the skies of Ancestral Light, uncreated, descending through spaces of absolute silence, from the cold light of the Black Sun, where the Valhalla of the Gods and Valkyries is located, where Wotan the Lord of Hosts reviews his centurions. They go to
the Morning Star, Double Star, whose emblem is the Double Sieg Rune – Σ. Here is the Abode of the Black S.S. who also venerate the Black Sun. From there, within right here, the Emblem must be the Rightwards Swastika, Exodus, that imprints its rotation from right to left on the Second Earth, symbol of Loss and Departure after the catastrophe of the mixing of the Aesir and the corruption of the Aion Saturn-Sandur and his transformation into Yahweh-Kronos-Time. The other Aions of Time, who rule with different speeds over more subtle regions, are almost benign in comparison with Yahweh-Satan, allowing existences lasting thousands of years through golden Yugas, in solar times, in Manvantaras and Kalpas, almost uncorrupted. On the First Earth in the region of the North Pole the newly incarnated Siddhas, Divyas, Aesir and Vanir, with their Odinic priestesses, establish Earthly Hyperborea, reflection of the others. This is the Polar Thule of the Greeks, Hyperborea, meaning 'beyond the God Boreas, God of Cold and Storm.' But the Greeks already spoke of an unreachable Thule. Pindaros said as much: 'Neither by land nor by sea will you reach Hyperborea…' I took the title of my first book from this verse on our lands of the South Pole. The Satya-yuga, Golden Age of Virgil with Saturn and Rhea, hundreds of thousands of years ago… The Indo-Aryans named that world Aryana-Baiji ('brotherhood of the Aryans') and the Persian Aryans called it Aryana-Bohejo. Indicating to us a community of purpose, a militia, the brotherhood of some beings reunited on the same road and in search of rebirth, since Aryan means re-born (Re-che, Caleu-che). Warriors who fight to recover a lost territory, a treasure stolen from them. Therefore their priestess-magas, the Virgins of Wotan, Valkyries, teach the Path of Magic A-Mor, extending their cult at some time to Ancient Greece with the Initiation and Mysteries of Apollo, the Hyperborean God. This was a science, an art able to reverse the Exodus, to return to the Origin, to the Totality of Being, redeeming Saturn-Sandur. Opis, Arges and Allouine went to Greece, along with the 'Winged Traveler,' flying on an Arrow, and Avris, ArBar-Is, on a Lance, like Sagittarius, crossing the Heart, the Anahatha chakra (in Pisces) as the God Eros of A-Mor, extrapolated by Jewish Christianity into the indifferent love of all humanity in the Heart of Jesus the Jew.
With the cosmic tragedy, simultaneous with the mixing of the Aesir, with the shift of the Polar Axis and the triumph of the Satanic Ice over the Odinic Fire, leading to the incarnationcrucifixion of Wotan, his death and resurrection as Baldur, recovering the Runes for Heroes, for Vîras. Hence Wotan has crucified himself first on the Iggdrasil Holm Oak of the Firmament, then on the Nordic-Polar Ash tree. The Runes rediscovered, as weapon and science of Resurrection, are such in a number that is a multiple of eight: sixteen. That Archetype will also be plagiarized and disfigured by the Jews with the delivery of the Tablets of the Mosaic Law on Mount Sinai. The true Mount of Polar Revelation, symbolizing the mythic Tree, is the celestial Meru, Kailas of Shiva. They are the rocks of Externsteine, the Mountain of Hyperborea, symbol of the Tree of the Spinal Column of God Wotan crucified and suffering there sacrificing himself to rescue immortality for his Warrior-Heroes, straightening that Column, that Polar Axis, so that the Double Serpent of Astral Fire can circulate again through there, with Fiery Blood. She is the Iggdrasil Tree, Ir-min-sul, the Araucanian cinnamon tree, also within the Mount of the South of the World, Melimoyu, after the shift of the poles. And the recovered Runes, in multiple numbers of Eight, culminate in the Nine Nights of the Sacrifice of Wotan on the Tree: Twenty-five [Two plus five are seven, also a sacred number in terrestrial shaping, where seven notes are heard and work with seven chakras-Runes, or centers of consciousness-energy. In the ancient brain they are twenty-five. The Jews have taken their Candelabra. The earthly week is divided into seven, or day of solar light.] In the Origin, the number of Runes was another one, prior to the catastrophe of the loss of Polar Hyperborea and the sinking of the ancient continents. (There were twenty-five, including the Veneris Rune, the Eight-Pointed Star, that of Baldur and Hitler.) But this Rune has been recovered in part and the Aesir can already resurrect and conquer.
Then, after the shift in the Axis of the earth, when Gerda had begun to revolve backwards, Wotan changes the direction of the Rightwards Swastika and makes it Leftwards, moving it from right to left to be able to retrace the steps of his warriors in the direction of the Origin, going away from this hard earth towards the Morning Star, towards the Black Sun, towards the Green Thunderbolt, towards something never dreamed not even by the greatest utopians… Because now the Hero, Warrior, Vîra, does not follow in the steps of Wotan himself, finding himself compelled to discover only an unknown road, never trodden and that does not lead to what was once his Home. Never to return to Paradesha, nor return to go back to the Orphic Egg…
Neither by sea nor by land shall you return to Hyperborea…